The Back Story.


Mercy Tree Adventures arose out of Carlos’ experience of evangelizing men, husbands and fathers to receive Jesus and His church. His conviction and experience are that a man who has intimately encountered Jesus Christ, with the proper support and challenge, will lead others around him to the Savior he knows.

Through years of ministry and friendship, Carlos saw that many men responded well to adventurous activity that enabled shoulder to shoulder bonding. They thrived on it with other men but did not have this ease of experience with their own families.

Inspired by John the Baptist’s ministry, Mercy Tree Adventures desires to help “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children” (Luke 1:17). Mercy Tree is passionate about setting men up for success to be discipled and to disciple those whom they love, serve and are responsible for.

Mercy Tree’s model of disciple training is about integral evangelization; looking deeply at the desires the Lord has placed within the hearts of His people and seeing them as the key to creating irresistible invitations to the unevangelized. While originating out of service for men, this formation method is applicable to every single person, man, woman, or child, and necessarily so. The modern world needs disciples who are prepared to re-propose/witness the Gospel to their own family and community with joy.